Signs and symptoms- uncontrolled rapid breathing (25-30 times/min)
- feeling weak
- lightheaded
- diaphoresis (sweating)
- feeling of lump in throat and suffocating (globus hystericus)
- dizziness
- possible palpitations and chest pain
- possible muscle pain
- carpopedal spasm
Action- be calm and reassuring
- discontinue dental treatment
- clear the mouth of all foreign objects
- assess airway
- have the patient breathe slowly and shallowly into paper bag, or mask (6-10 times/min)
- monitor blood pressure, pulse and respiratory rate
- dismiss patient only after vital signs return to normal
Causes- anxiety
- post-injection reaction
- recreational drug use
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- reactive airway situation
Related Pages- Medical Disorders
References/Websites- References
- Greenwood M, et al. General medicine and surgery for dental practitioners: part 2. Medical emergencies in dental practice: the drug box, equipment and basic principles of management. BDJ. 2014;216(11):633-637.
- Greenwood M. General medicine and surgery for dental practitioners: part 3. Management of specific medical emergencies in dental practice. BDJ. 2014;217(1):21-26.
- Haas DA. Preparing dental office staff members for emergencies. Developing a basic action plan JADA. 2010;141(5 suppl):8S-13S.
- Rosenberg M. Preparing for medical emergencies. The essential drugs and equipment for the dental office. JADA. 2010;141(5 suppl):14S-19S.
- Jevon P. Medical emergencies in the dental practice poster: revised and updated. BDJ. 2020;229(2):97-104.